2024. november 5. kedd Imre
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - MAY 26: Surfers wait for a wave as a super blood moon rises above the horizon at Manly Beach on May 26, 2021 in Sydney, Australia. It is the first total lunar eclipse in more than two years, which coincides with a supermoon.  A super moon is a name given to a full (or new) moon that occurs when the moon is in perigee - or closest to the earth - and it is the moons proximity to earth that results in its brighter and bigger appearance. (Photo by Cameron Spencer/Getty Images)
Nyitókép: Cameron Spencer/Getty Images

Itt vannak az első képek a különleges szuperholdról

A szerdai holdtöltekor az égitest kifejtetten közel van a Földhöz, emiatt a szokásosnál nagyobbnak és világosabbnak tűik.

Mint arról korábban beszámoltunk, míg idehaza az év legnagyobb teliholdjában lehet majd gyönyörködni – a holdkelte ideje keleti határainknál 20:33, Budapesten 20:45, nyugati határainknál pedig 20:54 lesz – , addig a Föld túloldalán, a Csendes-óceán régiójában teljes szuperhold-fogyatkozás lesz látható szerdán.

Meg is érkeztek az első felvételek Ausztráliából:

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - MAY 26: A surfer rides a wave as a super blood moon rises above the horizon at Manly Beach on May 26, 2021 in Sydney, Australia. It is the first total lunar eclipse in more than two years, which coincides with a supermoon.  A super moon is a name given to a full (or new) moon that occurs when the moon is in perigee - or closest to the earth - and it is the moon's proximity to earth that results in its brighter and bigger appearance. (Photo by Cameron Spencer/Getty Images)
Sydney, Ausztrália. Forrás: Cameron Spencer/Getty Images
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - MAY 26: A surfer rides a wave as a super blood moon rises above the horizon at Manly Beach on May 26, 2021 in Sydney, Australia. It is the first total lunar eclipse in more than two years, which coincides with a supermoon.  A super moon is a name given to a full (or new) moon that occurs when the moon is in perigee - or closest to the earth - and it is the moon's proximity to earth that results in its brighter and bigger appearance. (Photo by Cameron Spencer/Getty Images)
Sydney, Ausztrália. Forrás: Cameron Spencer/Getty Images
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - MAY 26: The moon is seen prior to the partial lunar eclipse from Sydney CBD on May 26, 2021 in Sydney, Australia. It is the first total lunar eclipse in more than two years, which coincides with a supermoon.  A super moon is a name given to a full (or new) moon that occurs when the moon is in perigee - or closest to the earth - and it is the moon's proximity to earth that results in its brighter and bigger appearance. (Photo by Don Arnold/Getty Images)
Sydney, Ausztrália. Forrás: Don Arnold/Getty Images
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Amerikai elnökválasztás: a történelem sok mindenre kötelez

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2024.11.05. kedd, 18:00
Hankó Balázs
kultúráért és innovációért felelős miniszter