2024. november 22. péntek Cecília

Sokkoló videó: hatalmas villám csapott le a csónakban evezők közelében

A National Geographic Instagram oldalán jelent meg a különleges videó:

Video by @renan_ozturk // Lucky strike. This was the first shot on location for the @natgeochannel #Explorer show "The Yellow Brick Road" which airs tonight at 10pm EST /9 Central! The show exposes the true path of conflict gold that is used for our jewelry, our phones and computers. Our journey started here in Goma and went on to visit warlords deep in the jungle of North Kivu as well as government certified 'conflict free' gold mines and other parts of the supply chain. In this particular location we saw the drastic differences in wealth in the community generated from the gold and other minerals. The official stats in how much gold comes out of North Kivu is zero, but we filmed quite the opposite. There is a lot to this important story, watch the show tonight night to find out more! #conflictgold #DRC #congo ~ @j.j.kelley @elaishastokes @taylorfreesolo @taniarashid @aldo_astoria @camp4collective

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2024.11.22. péntek, 18:00
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