2024. július 2. kedd Ottó
Lélegzetelállító fotók: így még nem látta a Földet és a természet csodáit

Lélegzetelállító fotók: így még nem látta a Földet és a természet csodáit

Gyönyörű képek születnek, ha a pilóta hobbija a fotózás.

Egy holland 747-es szállítógép-pilóta, Christiaan van Heijst fényképei lenyűgözik a szemlélőket: sarki fény, tejút, csillagok, városok fényei felhőkbe burkolózó hegyek, sejtelmes vidékek képei bontakoznak ki előttünk.

És persze nem maradhatnak ki a pilótafülke titkai: hogyan néz ki belülről, milyen egy teljesen automata leszállás a "földig érő ködben" (videó!), vagy milyen a naplemente és egy vihar villámlással az "első sorból". Érdemes végignézni!

Three shooting stars - Reflections on life (6 minutes total read) Night flight over Central India, between Doha and Hanoi. Thousands of miles from the place I call home, flying through one of those dark nights where millions of stars are illuminating the expanse above and just as many lights and people on the ground pass by in slow motion. With my body still in the European time zone, it feels as if I’m residing in a time capsule that is suspended somewhere between the surface and the infinity of the universe above. Time, distance and perspectives become completely relative if I let my thoughts wander for a minute. At home I’m missing another birthday party I was invited for; one of the many drawbacks of this job that I willingly accepted when I choose to pursue this career. The unique views and perspectives come with a price. What do you want to be when you grow up? 10-year old Christiaan; ‘A pilot!’ This time of the year, the earth is facing the ‘faint’ part of the milky way, with the bright galactic core invisible before sunrise at this time of year. But when there is no light pollution from the moon or other nearby light sources, even this dim band of stars becomes visible for the naked eye in the right circumstances. Three meteorites fall through the earth’s atmosphere during this exposure, leaving bright trails of purple, white, blue, green and yellow that are nature’s reward for the those that take the time to look out and appreciate the views in the celestial heavens above. We dim the cockpit lights and when time and workload allows, I often lean over the instruments to place my face next to the heated window and enjoy the unique view on the world from my cockpit. Watching the occasional moonlight reflect on the rivers and lakes, counting ….. Read more; #blog #stars #life #flying #avgeek #aviation #instagramaviation #nightflight #piloteye #pilotview #india #shootingstar #night #instagood #instablog #instablogger #instapic #instagramblogger #jpcvanheijst #longexposure #boeing #747 #flying #flight #aircraft #cockpit #flightdeck #nikon #d800

Christiaan van Heijst (@jpcvanheijst) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Overflying the beautiful landscapes of Balochistan; the southwestern province of Pakistan that borders with Iran and Afghanistan. Because of its geographical location, it has been on the crossroads of many empires for the course of just as many centuries. Even today, its close proximity with Afghanistan makes it a politically very unstable region that is hardly ever visited by tourists. One of the hidden gems on the planet, that I enjoy seeing from a comfortable 30.000ft altitude. #pakistan #balochistan #asia #mountains #landscape #mountain #view #aerialview #avgeek #pilotview #piloteye #pilotviews #photodaily #photoaday #photography #instadaily #instatravel #instagood #instaphoto #jpcvanheijst #nikon #d800

Christiaan van Heijst (@jpcvanheijst) által megosztott bejegyzés,

The remains of a recent powerful thunderstorm, somewhere over the Indian Ocean. Thunderstorms go through a few life cycles, starting with a small cumulus cloud in moist and unstable air, that can grow vertically up in the air with unbelievable power and energy. During the mature stage, those ‘cumulonimbus’ clouds can easily reach the boundary of the Stratosphere and sometimes even breach through this atmospheric layer up to 75-80.000ft (24-25km) altitude when enough moist and heat on the ground is available. Heavy hail, rain, lightning, wind shear and turbulence characterize this dangerous state, and needless to say this is the most dangerous life cycle from an aviator’s perspective. In the last life-cycle, where the cloud is slowly filled with more and more ice, and the heavy downdrafts wash away more rain than it sucks up, the cloud is dying out. Heavy rain showers and a dissipating, blown out shape characterize the last phase. Mostly harmless for aircraft, it does provide beautiful structures and shapes for a few photos. #cloud #clouds #cloudporn #cloudscape #sky #atmosphere #thunderstorm #indianocean #aviation #avgeek #meteo #meteorology #photoaday #photodaily #photoart #photo #photography #instadaily #instagood #instaweather #weather #jpcvanheijst #nikon #d800

Christiaan van Heijst (@jpcvanheijst) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Cruising through Chinese airspace, cities and clouds steadily pass by below. Above, the full moon illuminates the world with her silver light, adding depth and structure to the clouds below that would otherwise be a black blanket that would hide the city lights and roads from our eyes. A high altitude, thin cloud layer of small ice-crystals break the moonlight in an almost surreal way; the moon appears with a huge colorful halo, a ring of light that can be seen if clouds deflect the light from the sun or moon at the correct angle. #moon #moonlight #halo #flying #flight #aviation #nightflight #night #clouds #cloudporn #cloudscape #inflight #piloteye #longexposure #pilotlife #photodaily #photoaday #photography #nikon #d800 #jpcvanheijst

Christiaan van Heijst (@jpcvanheijst) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Recently I had a fun and interesting one-hour phone interview with Nikon, the big photography brand, after they noticed Im using solely their equipment. They will publish a 6-page article in the Nikon-Pro magazine that is about to come out around April about the unique perspectives and ‘the guy’ behind the camera But the fact that Nikon itself mentioned that my images impressively stood out from the ‘overflow of images these days’ because of their creativeness, uniqueness and one-of-a-kind views really was a big compliment. Out of all the interviews I’ve had in the past year this one stood out because of the interesting questions that actually made me think about my own motives and incentives regarding photography. Another highlight and just the beginning of an already extremely overwhelming but fantastic 2017! Thank you all for the support and positive feedback. Even though I do not have time to answer each and every comment/like/message please know that they are very much appreciated and give me the motivation to keep on shooting and posting :) Photo: Final runway 29, Kabul, Afghanistan #nikon #nikon

Címlapról ajánljuk
2024.07.03. szerda, 18:00
Giró-Szász András
politikai tanácsadó
Sikerült a csúcsdöntés Amerikában

Sikerült a csúcsdöntés Amerikában

Ázsiában ma reggel felemás hangulatban telt a kereskedés, ezt követően pedig Európában egész nap estek a tőzsdék, igaz, az amerikai nyitást követően kisebb felpattanást láthatunk, míg a tengerentúlon óvatos mozgásokkal telik egyelőre a kereskedés. Az amerikai tőzsdén különösen a Teslára ajánlott figyelni, miután a várakozásokat meghaladó kiszállítási számokat közölt a vállalat a második negyedévre vonatkozóan.
